Dieting by Being Healthy: How To Do Dieting by Being Healthy in 2013

How to do dieting by being healthyIs losing a few pounds one of your New Year's Resolutions? If so, learn how to do dieting by being healthy with our 10 Eat Smart, Stay Fit ?  Dieting by Being Healthy Habits and and see how easy it is to achieve lasting weight control in 2013 and beyond!

Make this the year you learn how to diet healthy and put an end to "yo-yo dieting" once and for all!


Holiday Dieting Tips: How to stay in control of your fork

holiday dieting tipsThe holidays are a special time for all, and you should take the time to indulge yourself. However, at the same time you should keep your health in mind because it's easy to be tempted into going overboard. So, can you eat all of those holiday goodies?  The answer is yes, but in moderation. Here are some holiday dieting tips that can help you avoid the dreaded holiday weight gain.


Belly Fat Is Hazardous To Your Health

Eat-Smart_BellyFatWe usually don?t consider it a big deal carrying a few extra pounds on our frame. However, if those extra pounds are around your middle section, then you could be sporting a problem bigger than your waistline.

Excess belly fat can affect the health of the rest of your body.

What do you know about belly fat?


How To Make Positive Changes In Your Diet

BFeNewslette_Story_link-art_72ppi_355x129_East-Smart_2_PNGWith the New Year right around the corner, many people begin taking stock of their life and thinking about the things they’d like to change. They may decide their eating habits are one thing they need to get under control.

But do you know how to make positive changes in your diet which you can live with? 


Portion Control Made Easy

EAT-SMART_72ppi_355x129When it comes to loosing weight your ultimate success will often depend on portion control. 

You?re better off eating moderate portions of all different types of foods including a few treats here and there than piling your plate up with apparently healthy options. 


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Stay hydrated...

watterOn average, we should drink one liter of water daily (drink an extra 8 oz of water for every 25 pounds overweight). This amount should increase if you are exercising or in extreme heat.

Laser hair removal for men?

rippedIf you thought laser hair removal was just for women, guess again. When it comes to removing unwanted hair, aestheticians report men and women are dead even in this department.

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