Detox Your Way To Beautiful, Healthy Skin

BFeNewslette_Story_link-art_72ppi_355x129_Look-Good_PNGMany natural health experts believe that having a regular detox period is not only great for your body but it does wonders for your skin too.

The idea is that toxins from everyday pollutants, the environment and foods we eat build up in our bodies and over time has a negative impact on the way we look and feel.

A regular detox program can help keep you bodys running at its very best


Top Tips for Black Friday Shopping Success

Black Friday shopping tips 2012If you are going to shop in brick-and-mortar stores on Black Friday, it is a good idea to strategize. People actually get hurt or even killed in some of the shopping frenzy! So be safe, have fun, and plan your day.

Here are some tips for successful Black Friday shopping.


Is There a Chapped Lips Remedy That Truly Works?

chapped lips home remedyIs there a chapped lips home remedy that truly works? If you struggle with chapped lips then you know winter weather adds an extra challenge. The dry, cold air causes a number of problems.

Before winter truly sets in, you can learn how to protect your lips and prevent chapping this season with these chapped lips prevention strategies:


Bothered By Cellulite? Try These Lifestyle Changes

cellulite diet meal planWhile not dangerous, cellulite is an unsightly problem for many women. Even though there are many products and treatments on the market designed to help reduce cellulite, just shy of a visit to a plastic surgeon, there is nothing better than to make dietary and lifestyle changes for a faster reduction in the cellulite that you might have. And these changes won't cost anywhere near as much...


Good Oral Health: It's Important For Your Wellbeing

oral_health_and_heart_diseaseWe all know that regular brushing and flossing help us maintain a beautiful smile.

Proper dental care keeps our teeth shiny and white and helps prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

But did you know that taking care of our pearly whites is also important to our overall health?


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Stay hydrated...

watterOn average, we should drink one liter of water daily (drink an extra 8 oz of water for every 25 pounds overweight). This amount should increase if you are exercising or in extreme heat.

Laser hair removal for men?

rippedIf you thought laser hair removal was just for women, guess again. When it comes to removing unwanted hair, aestheticians report men and women are dead even in this department.

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