Looking to Lose Weight? Try Adding More Fiber To Your Diet

Weight_Loss_The_Benefits_of_FiberIn nutrition circles, one often hears "eat fiber, it's good for you". But fiber is a carbohydrate and those are supposed to be bad, or at least severely limited.

What gives?

The resolution to this dilemma lies in examining more closely just what fiber is and what it does for you.

What Is Fiber?

Fiber is, it's true, a type of carbohydrate. That is, fiber compounds are composed of molecules whose chief elements are carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in combination. But there is a key difference between fiber and other types of carbohydrate: it doesn't break down during digestion.

Both simple sugars (simple carbs) and starches (complex carbs) are broken down by digestive enzymes, releasing energy the body uses for an infinite variety of vital processes. Fiber is not, at least not much. That simple difference leads to a number of beneficial effects.

Why Is Fiber Good?

Insoluble fiber, by definition, does not dissolve in water. As such, it moves through the digestive system where it helps increase the bulk of stools. That helps prevent constipation. It also moves through the intestines relatively fast, which generates signals to the brain that you're full. In that way, it discourages overeating and the accompanying excess consumption of calories.

Insoluble fiber is contained in whole-wheat flour and wheat bran, many types of nut and several vegetables that contribute 'roughage' to the diet.

Soluble fiber, by contrast, does dissolve in water and so forms a type of gel that makes its way through the digestive system. As a result it helps regulate blood glucose levels. On route it helps cleanse the tract of bacteria. Soluble fiber is part of a wide variety of foods, including oats and barley, carrots and peas, apples and citrus fruit, and beans.

A high fiber diet helps decrease the odds of heart disease by lowering LDL cholesterol (the undesirable type).

It slows the absorption of sugar contained in food consumed, which helps smooth out any spikes. That helps improve a number called the Glycemic Index, one key to a healthy diet according to many healthcare providers and dietitians.

Controlling blood glucose levels has another beneficial effect, according to many studies. Insulin levels are related to blood glucose levels. Excess glucose over long periods increases the odds of acquiring Type 2 diabetes. A high fiber diet can help decrease those odds.

Since fiber is not broken down, it adds bulk without calories. That contributes to a feeling of fullness and satiation without the accompanying potential for storing excess calories as fat. Thus, it contributes greatly to any weight loss program.

How Much Daily Fiber Is Good?

There is no official RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) for fiber as there is for many other nutritional components. But official sources put the desirable amount at roughly 25 grams per day. The average consumption is often much lower, around 15 grams per day.

One study of over 500 subjects conducted at the University of Massachusetts Medical School over one year showed that those who consumed 22 grams or more were 63% less likely to have high CRP levels. High CRP (C-reactive protein) is linked with higher risk of heart disease and diabetes.


Like any aspect of diet and nutrition, the value of fiber can be (and sometimes is) overstated. But numerous studies agree that a high fiber diet has definite benefits. As with any proposed change in diet, consulting your physician first is wise.


Our 100% Organic Fiber - Psyllium is derived from small, reddish brown and black seeds of the plantago psyllium plant. Odorless and tasteless, there are several species of the plant but seed husks from Plantago ovata (also known as blonde psyllium) are of the best quality and contain the highest fiber content. Psyllium is rich in soluble fiber and similar to the type of fiber found in oats, wheat, and barley; however, psyllium is gluten-free unlike wheat.

As a pure dietary fiber, psyllium is composed mostly of hemicellulose. It is not digested in the small intestine and passes through the body until it is partially broken down in the colon where psyllium is utilized as a food source for friendly flora. Mostly, psyllium acts as a sponge in the intestinal tract, swelling as it absorbs water and waste material in the bowels. This forms a soft, bulky mass that passes through the colon more quickly (keeping potentially toxic waste moving in the colon) and evacuates more smoothly and easily.

The Food and Drug Administration has approved the following label claim for psyllium; “Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 7 grams of soluble fiber per day may reduce the risk of heart disease.” One serving of 100% Organic Fiber - Psyllium provides 8 grams of this soluble fiber. This formula uses the L form of arginine because it is closer to that which is manufactured by the body. It is derived from a fermentation of molasses.

100% Organic Fiber - Psyllium has been Certified Organic by Quality Assurance International (QAI). QAI is the most recognized organic certifying body utilized by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Moreover, Organic Psyllium’s ingredients have been cultivated without pesticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers, and contain no additives or artificial sweeteners. This formula has been reviewed and met QAI’s stringent qualification process for purity and potency.

For up-to-date information on how to look and feel your best at every age,
click here now to register for our monthly health talk show: Body Focus™ Health Talk with Dr. Steven Nelligar.

The statements regarding The Body Focus™ Essentials Nutritional Supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All supplements are made in the USA.


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