Anti-Aging Tips For Women

LOOK-GOOD_72ppi_355x129Throughout time, there’s been a persistent myth about the fountain of youth. 

Sure, we all know there’s no magic pill that will keep us young forever or be ten years younger, but there are things you can do to help turn back the clock..


Herbal Skin Care

03LookGood_HerbalSkinCareSkin care is not a topic of recent times; it's been in practice since ancient times (when herbal skin care was the only way to take care of one's skin). Over time, skin care has transformed in a big way. Herbal skin care routines have been replaced by synthetic, chemical-based ones. With more and more people today opting for natural treatments including homeopathy and aromatherapy, keep reading now to learn how these not so new treatments can help your skin.


How To Care For Your Baby's Teeth

iStock_000010105456_LOOK-GOOD_baby-tooth_72ppi_355x129__PNGOur children are precious to us. Part of taking care of them is taking care of those oh so important baby teeth.

Here are some pointers for the conscientious parent.


Getting Your Body Back After Your Baby

LookGood_BodyAfterBabyChildren are a precious gift. And, while you're overjoyed once your baby finally arrives, your body is usually not. Don't worry, it doesn't matter how many years you're post-pregnancy, you can still achieve the body you desire. So, where do you begin?

Here are a just few tips to help you get your ?before baby? body back after pregnancy.


What Is Environmental Dentistry?

DentInstrumentDentistry is the medical practice that deals with the oral cavity, mostly teeth. Our teeth are alive and need to be cared for if we want a great looking smile and healthy gums throughout our lives.

But, is dentistry dangerous to your health?

That's where environmental dentistry is making a case.
The environment is an integral part of who we are. As citizens of this planet, we rely on the environment for the oxygen we breathe and the food that we eat. In turn, it relies on us for the care it needs to continue to exist and maintain a viable ecosystem.


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Stay hydrated...

watterOn average, we should drink one liter of water daily (drink an extra 8 oz of water for every 25 pounds overweight). This amount should increase if you are exercising or in extreme heat.

Laser hair removal for men?

rippedIf you thought laser hair removal was just for women, guess again. When it comes to removing unwanted hair, aestheticians report men and women are dead even in this department.

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