The Secret To Picture Perfect Abs

absexIt's tough enough to get your abs in shape for summer so every second counts.

To help you "cut the fat" and get your stomach in tip top shape for the beach, keep reading and discover the three flat abs myths to avoid at all cost and the secrets to getting the stomach you desire in record time!   

Myth #1: A Six Pack Comes From Doing Thousands of Sit-ups...

The truth of the matter is that flat stomachs, and sexy six pack abs, come from losing fat all over and that process begins with your diet. If you're eating doughnuts and French fries, a six pack isn't going to happen. Instead, modify your diet and start an exercise program to boost your metabolism and lose weight.

Myth #2: The Spot Toning Myth...

Spot reduction and toning exercises don't work to boost your metabolism and burn fat. Once you've achieved flat abs and you want your abdominals to be more defined, then you can dive into the crunches as long as they're part of a complete diet and fitness plan.

Myth #3: If I Go on a Diet, I'll Achieve Flat Abs...

Wrong! Flat abs are the result of a lifestyle change. If you were to simply go on a diet, you may lose weight; however, as soon as you're off the diet, you'll gain it right back. To get flat abs, you're going to want to get healthy and stay healthy ? modify your diet and make permanent changes.

Now That's We've Covered That, Here's Your Road Map To Picture Perfect Abs...

For starters, if you want six pack abs, skip the starvation diets and spot reduction techniques. They don't work. Instead, focus on proven methods for strong and healthy abdominals.

Next, imagine yourself with six pack abs (go ahead, close your eyes and picture it for a moment). What are you wearing? Who is looking at you? How do you feel? Remember this image and go ahead and bring it up every time you feel unmotivated or discouraged.

Now, it's time to take action and this requires planning and getting organized. Sounds silly, right? Well, it's not! If your looking for six pack abs, you're going to need to plan your workouts AND your meals because it takes effort on both sides of the equation. You're going to be eating 5-6 smaller meals including post workout meals and what you eat is vitally important to your energy levels, metabolism and food decisions.

You're also going to be scheduling workouts ? don't worry, they can and should be fun so try dancing, rock climbing, mountain biking, jogging, swimming and weight lifting for variety. All of these exercises, when interval training is incorporated, will help you burn the fat around your midsection so your abdominals are ready for fine tuning. Interval training is simple. It's adding small bits of exertion during your regular exercise. For example, if you decide your exercise is to walk for 30 minutes a day, add a minute or two of jogging every five minutes.  If you're jogging for 20-30 minutes, run for a minute or two every couple of minutes. As a result, you will burn more fat.

Fine tuning
? now it's time, once you have your diet and fitness routine in place and you're losing the weight around your midsection you will start creating that six pack you always wanted. Why not before? Well, the answer is actually quite simple; the fat has to be removed before your abs can be seen. That's right, you can have rock hard abs but if they're buried under a bit of tummy fat then no one will see them. The fine tuning involves all of those amazing exercises including crunches to give you that visibly chiseled stomach you desire!

Okay, there you have it the secrets to six pack, picture perfect abs in record time. For up-to-date information on how to look and feel your best at every age, click here now to register for our monthly blog radio show: Body Focus? Health Talk with Dr. Steven Nelligar.


To contact our office about The Body Focus? System click here.

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