There's an epidemic that is circulating the globe and it is one that seems to be taking all of us by surprise. I'm talking about the epidemic of obesity.
Besides the added stress those extra pounds put on our joints, if you're a joint pain sufferer, a poor diet can also have a negative affect on your joints, indirectly.
Fortunately, this is not a situation that's without hope...
If you're presently suffering with acute or chronic joint pain, you can ease your pain by first cleaning up your diet and adding healthy foods to your daily meal plan. Even if you only eat a small salad with every meal, that is going to make a positive impact on your overall health and can go a long way in improving the way you feel.
Did you know that changing dietary fat intake and/or eating plant foods containing anti-inflammatory agents can help ease pain by limiting joint inflammation? In fact, excessive consumption of dairy products, meat, & refined starchy carbohydrates like white flour can actually make inflammation worse by increasing the production of prostaglandins! Therefore, switching your diet to whole fruits, vegetables, and lots of cold water oily fish (rich in Omega-3 fatty acids) is one way to naturally “close the gates of pain”.
Next, if you are overweight your goal should be to shed those excess pounds! Studies have shown that losing as little as 11 pounds can not only decrease pressure on weight bearing joints but also cuts the risk of developing knee arthritis by 50%.
Other pain-relief modifications that can help you live pain free include reducing stress, increasing daily water consumption to keep muscles hydrated (recommended 8 glasses a day), proper lifting techniques and sleeping at least 8 hours per night to allow your body to properly heal itself. Additionally, there is solid evidence indicating that glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate relieve pain due to osteoarthritis, so consider these joint-protecting supplements as well!
If you'd like to learn more about our Body Focus Essentials Supplements and Pain Relief Program click here here.
Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
To sign up for The Body Focus™ System speak to your doctor or click here to contact our office.