Holiday Dieting Tips: How to stay in control of your fork while still having fun…

thanksd1198_72ppi_355x129_JPGThe holidays are a special time for all, and you should take the time to indulge yourself. However, at the same time you should keep your health in mind because it's easy to be tempted into going overboard. So, can you eat all of those holiday goodies? 

The answer is yes, but in moderation.


Looking on the Bright Side has Benefits for Your Heart.

05DidYouKnow_HeartBenefitsWhen you feel good about yourself you also have a better outlook on life.

This has been proven time and time again with people who have used their attitude to help them overcome difficult obstacles.

You can look on the bright side too and reap the benefits of a healthy heart. Keep reading now to learn more... 


Whey Protein and Weight Loss

06_Essentials_WeightLossWhen it comes to building muscle, the most important part of the diet is protein. It is a building block of muscle tissue. If you want to build strong and lasting muscle, consider the benefits of whey protein.

Protein is one of the staples of a strong diet along with carbohydrates and fats. Eating them in the proper proportions will help you to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. As you get older, the body loses muscle mass. Building muscle becomes even more crucial for stability, longevity and proper body functioning.



Internet Based Weight Control Systems Show Promising Results

WeightControl01In a recently published study found in the Preventative Medicine Journal, 481 healthy overweight adults were randomized to one of 3 delivery methods of a behavioral weight loss program with weekly meetings: Internet, In Person, or Hybrid (Internet + In Person) and studied.

The results demonstrated that the internet is a viable alternative to in-person treatment...


Avoiding Toxic People is Good For Your Health

BadEnergyPeopleLabels that read ?toxic? are there to warn us that coming in contact with the contents will hurt or change us...and not in a good way. Unfortunately there are no labels on toxic people.

We can come in contact with them and be ruined even before we realize what happened, so here's how to avoid them...


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Stay hydrated...

watterOn average, we should drink one liter of water daily (drink an extra 8 oz of water for every 25 pounds overweight). This amount should increase if you are exercising or in extreme heat.

Laser hair removal for men?

rippedIf you thought laser hair removal was just for women, guess again. When it comes to removing unwanted hair, aestheticians report men and women are dead even in this department.

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