Time To Detoxify Your Body

clockEver wonder why your body sometimes feels sluggish yet you're not sick? 

You try to be energetic and get outside to do something productive but your body is just not up to it. To address the problem, you resort to gulping up cups of coffee, eating more or maybe taking a cigarrette, thinking it'll make you more lively afterwards. For a while, you feel good; unknowingly though, you're accumulating toxins in your body.

With this scenario happening more and more, you might need to detoxify!


Caffeine: Should You Give It Up?

coffeeIt may surprise you to know that the most commonly used drug in the world is caffeine. 

While caffeine may seem harmless enough and can be a great pick me up to help you get through the day; studies have suggested that there are serious consequences from excessive use.


Top 5 Healthy Green Vegetables

BFeNewsletter_200x194_BroccoliRemember when your parents packed your dinner plate  with veggies and would not let you have dessert until you finished every last bit? They just might have been onto something with all those dark green vegetables.

Take a look at Popeye and his spinach. He would down a can and practically lift a car. Impressive wasn't it? Maybe the general idea isn't so far fetched.


Cardio Training Revisited

tredmBeing fit and healthy is the in thing. Actually, it really never goes out of style. Your body is the most valuable asset you could have in your lifetime, thus it is important that you take good care of it and give it the attention it needs. When it comes to ensuring and maintaining your health, the best option is to do cardio training.

So What Is Cardio Training?


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Stay hydrated...

watterOn average, we should drink one liter of water daily (drink an extra 8 oz of water for every 25 pounds overweight). This amount should increase if you are exercising or in extreme heat.

Laser hair removal for men?

rippedIf you thought laser hair removal was just for women, guess again. When it comes to removing unwanted hair, aestheticians report men and women are dead even in this department.



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