Healthy Thanksgiving Appetizers

iStock_000002634351_EAT-SMART_fruit-platter_72ppi_355x129__PNGWhat are appetizers anyway?

They are the small sampling of food before the meal to keep everyone from starving when you aren’t quite ready for them to eat. You might not think of serving them at Thanksgiving, but there are many healthy reasons why you need to give it a second thought. 


October Is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Nutritional Changes Can Make a Difference

Cancer_10-10_355x129_PH01747J_JPGCancer is a disease that we all wish didn't exist. It ravages the body and the lives of those around the sufferer. One cancer that is a big concern is breast cancer.

Besides having yearly mammograms when you turn 40, women can also make nutritional changes to lower their risk


Jump Start Your Fall Wellness Plan With Cleanse21™

01EatSmart_DetoxModern life is filled with tons of conveniences. There's fast food, medicines, and all kinds of products to make you look and feel better.

The problem with these items is most are filled with unnatural chemicals that can build up in your body making it operate less efficiently, just like gunk building up in your car's engine.
Instead of letting these chemicals slow you down, flush them out by detoxifying your body with our 21-day detox program, Cleanse21?.  


Is Your Diet Behind Your Pain?

EatSmart_JointPainThere's an epidemic that is circulating the globe and it is one that seems to be taking all of us by surprise.  I'm talking about the epidemic of obesity.

Besides the added stress those extra pounds put on our joints, if you're a joint pain sufferer, a poor diet can also have a negative affect on your joints, indirectly. 

Fortunately, this is not a situation that's without hope...


Summertime Food Safety

barbacueWhat does summer mean to you? For those who love food it means grilling and cooking outdoors. Picnics, cookouts and family gatherings are all what make summer fun. 

When you host your next party, be sure that you use proper food safety measures. 

When you prepare food outdoors or are away from commercial refrigeration, it is always important to properly pack and store your food items so that the party isn’t over before it begins.


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Stay hydrated...

watterOn average, we should drink one liter of water daily (drink an extra 8 oz of water for every 25 pounds overweight). This amount should increase if you are exercising or in extreme heat.

Laser hair removal for men?

rippedIf you thought laser hair removal was just for women, guess again. When it comes to removing unwanted hair, aestheticians report men and women are dead even in this department.

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